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January, 2024

Project 1a: Enhancing active mobility on the Dutch Caribbean island of Bonaire

Physical activity rates differ across the world, with evidence pointing to particularly low levels within Caribbean communities. The Caribbean Dutch municipality of Bonaire exemplifies this trend. To address this issue, a diverse team including researchers from the Urban Cycling Institute, officials from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports, and important local stakeholders from multiple sectors in Bonaire will collaborate to boost physical activity and promote health equality on the island.

Provide GIS, Data management and spatial planning analysis support to conduct accessibility analysis of environmental determinants for Bonaire. Moreso, use policy documents and existing open-source data e.g., Geo Open Accessibility Tool, OpenStreetMap to map the policy contexts, accessibility, land use, parks, trails, playgrounds, transport infrastructure, etc.

Mentor/Referee: [Prof. Meredith Glaser, Dylan Power, PhD]

December, 2022

Project 1b
Active Travel

The promotion of sustainable transportation systems and improved public health outcomes depends on the development of active travel capacity. In this project, we dive more into what capacity building for active travel mean and how could these frameworks helps to address Africa's transport system. Part of this is also to explore the role of Participatory GIS in capacity for active travel.

Mentor/Referee: [Prof. Meredith Glaser]

December, 2022

Project 2
Urban Green and Sustainability

As cities experience rapid growth, the threat of environmental hazards looms large. Our project on Urban green and sustainability provides cities with tangible solutions that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of urban areas but also contribute positively to the environment as well as mitigate climate change impact. Read more about the project here.

Mentor/Referee: [Alina Lomans]

September, 2021

Project 3
Quantitative Approach to Monitoring Land use change

In the face of rapid environmental shifts and anthropogenic pressures, the effective monitoring and management of conservation areas have become paramount. Our Research focuses on National Reserves increasingly vulnerable to threats from urbanization and resource degradation. To address this, our research aimed to produce detailed land use/land cover (LULC) maps and incorporate a robust change detection mechanism tailored for West African conservation reserves. We leverage different Machine Learning Algorithms to create high-quality land use maps and detect changes. Read about the work by following the link bellow.

Mentor/Referee: [Prof. Elmar Veenendaal, dr. NE (Nandika) Tsendbazar]

September, 2022

Project 4
Machine Learning for Land use classification

In the face of rapid environmental shifts and anthropogenic pressures, the effective monitoring and management of conservation areas have become paramount. We need to protect these areas from rapid urbanization and resource degradation. To address this, our research aimed to produce detailed land use/land cover (LULC) maps and incorporate a robust change detection mechanism tailored for West African conservation reserves. Three machine learning algorithms – Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Minimum Distance (K-Nearest Neighbour) – were employed to classify multi-temporal satellite imagery. Subsequent change detection analyses were conducted using both Google Earth Engine and ArcGIS Pro to elucidate the patterns of transformations.

Mentor/Referee: [Prof. Elmar Veenendaal, dr. NE (Nandika) Tsendbazar]

May, 2023

Project 5
PhD collaboration : Modelling Conservation Biocontrol and Land use

In Colombia, the Coffee Berry Borer (CBB) is a major problem. This beetle reduces crop yield and quality by drilling the coffee berries and feeding on the beans during the beetles immature stages. Coffee farmers have developed CBB control strategies such as the use of chemical insecticides, the manual collection of infested berries, and the use of entomopathogenic fungi, but despite these practices, CBB remains a major problem in coffee production. A promising yet understudied approach to CBB control is conservation biological control (CBC). In this study, we model land uses in these coffee-grown areas and connect the regulation of pest populations by supporting populations of naturally occurring natural enemies.

Mentor/Referee: [Prof. Dicke Marcel, Prof. Bianchi, Felix, Moreno Ramírez, Natalia]

April, 2023

Project 6
Wildfire Assessment

The International Programs Office of the United States Forest Service is embarking on an effort to assess the wildland fire situation across Africa. The assessments will be guided by the Integrated Fire Management (IFM) approach, which incorporates a holistic understanding of fire on the landscape and the many trade-offs of management actions. The assessments will inform the design and implementation of country-specific strategic programming by International Programs staff.

Mentor/Referee: [Louis Fleming-Forest Service International Programs]

January, 2023

Project 7
Geodatabase-Parking Management

As urbanization continues to increase, managing parking behaviour in municipalities has become an important aspect of urban planning (Litman, 2017). With the rise in the number of vehicles on the roads, finding available parking spaces has become a significant challenge, causing congestion, pollution, and frustration for both drivers and pedestrians (Shoup, 2006). Therefore, understanding parking behaviour is a critical area of study for municipalities to manage and improve parking efficiency. In this project assignment, we are confronted with documenting a geodatabase schema, the processes and how this can be implemented to answer specific information requests on parking for the Municipality of Alkmaar.

Mentor/Referee: [Dr. Maurice de kleijn]

November, 2022

Project 8
Modelling Biomass for Heat Production

In this project, the challenge is to identify what the best location of biomass production is, the available biomass within a zone of 25km and the energy content within the zone of biomass plants for heat production. This assessment is based on range of factors such as weight of biomass that can be extracted, and available energy content per year per different land use categories.

Mentor/Referee: [ Prof. Ac. Jaar]

May, 2021

Project 9
Academische consultatie training

There are multiple challenges that the area is facing. Climate change causes extreme weather events to happen more often. There will be more torrential rains, heavier storms or long dry and hot periods. The Land of Maas and Waal is vulnerable for flooding because it is surrounded by rivers. Especially in the last years, the drought is also troubling. The continue effects of climate and water related issues have consequences on land use. Therefore, We analysed the spatial challenge such as flooding, drought, and agriculture of the area and see which areas and population will be susceptible to flood when no action is taken. The main tasks performed included, •Toekomstig klimaatbestendig ontwerpen (Land van Maas en Waal in 100 jaar) • Stakeholder engagement and Process analysis • Gegevensverzameling en analyse • Designing climate implementation mechanisms • Schrijven van rapporten.

Mentor/Referee: [Dr. Barbara Tempels, M (Marlies) Brinkhuijsen]

January, 2022

Project 10
Integrated Fire Management

2018 and 2019 were only a glimpse of what to expect in the future: deadly mega-fires in Mediterranean regions, high fire activity in temperate and boreal areas outside typical fire seasons and regions, and politicized deforestation fires in the Amazon. 2019 ended with a fire crisis in Australia that has never been seen before. Striking amidst these fires making year-round headlines is the lack of attention for fires in developing countries. Main tasks in these project is to understand the relationship between Fires, land use and people living in and outside these landscapes. We developed a research agenda to link practinioners and experts for integrated fire management in the Global North and South.

Mentor/Referee: [Dr. Cathelijne Stoof]

March, 2020

Project 11
Just City-Political Dilemas in Spatial Planning

Poplar lake is an active and lively neighborhood. It is structured by three distinct landmarks, lake poplar, Sterflat reloaded and the community center and urban edges which mark the orders of the different districts and the lakeshore (Lynch, 1960)

Mentor/Referee: [Prof. Thomas Hartmann]

March, 2019

Project 12
Cleaner cities (DEALS)

As part of the targeted objectives of the DEALS project, a pre-testing exercise of the data collection instrument was undertaken as a follow-up to an earlier held training workshop in confidence of training selected enumerators and supervisors on the goals and objectives of the project. In this regard, the pre-testing exercise was primarily done with a mission and view to identify the likely challenges enumerators and respondents (units of enquiry) may face during the main survey period, conflicting issues such as translation barriers and other worth-noting technical errors in the data collection instrument for the project

Mentor/Referee: [Dr. Prince Anokye]

June, 2019

Project 13
Energyzing Development

Energizing development is implemented as part of the GIZ Renewable Energy Project in Ghana. EnDev promotes sustainable access to modern energy services that meet the needs of the poor, for a long lasting, affordable, and appreciated by users

Mentor/Referee: [Dr. Ameka Otchere]